Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Good News Club: The Christian Right's Stealth Assault on America's Children

Come hear Katherine Stewart speak about the well-funded, highly coordinated effort by Christian Nationalists to use public schools to advance a fundamentalist agenda.

This is happening nationwide: at the end of 2010 there were over 3,500 Good News Clubs, and the number is rapidly increasing.

The movement is coordinated and given strategic direction by extremely well financed groups whose leaders write the scripts that are followed in classrooms, playgrounds, and courtrooms. Some of the most powerful forces in public education today are groups that most people may never have heard of...

“Even those well-versed in the religious right’s attempt to Christianize American institutions will likely be shocked by The Good News Club. Katherine Stewart’s book about the fundamentalist assault on public education is lucidalarming, and very important.” -MICHELLE GOLDBERG

When: Tuesday, July 24, 2012, 7 pm

WhereSierra 2 Community Center, 24th St and 4th Ave, Sacramento CA (map)
(We're in Curtis Hall, which is the southern most building.)

Cost: No charge for admission. Donations welcome.

Thank you to our Co-sponsors:

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